Electricity Odds: What are the odds?
Here's many interesting bits of information regarding electricity that we collected from the Book of Odds....Don't forget to shop our gift store while here :o)
The odds an employed male 16 or older is in the transportation or utilities industries are 1 in 13.04 (US, 2008).
The odds an employed person 16 or older in the utilities industry is in a labor union are 1 in 3.73 (US, 2008).
The odds a person working in the utilities industry will be killed by an occupational injury in a year are 1 in 25,640 (US, 2007).
The odds a dollar of catastrophe loss paid out by an insurance company will be for utility service disruption are 1 in 1,486 (US, 1987 - 2006).
The odds an employed person 16 or older is a utilities meter reader are 1 in 3,022 (US, 5/2008).
The odds a company monitors employee internet use are 1 in 1.52 (US, 2007).
The odds a company monitors employee phone use are 1 in 2.22 (US, 2007).
The odds an adult favors setting limits on carbon dioxide emissions and making companies pay for emissions even if it may mean higher energy prices are 1 in 1.69 (US, 3/2009).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by being struck by a vehicle are 1 in 16.05 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by extreme temperatures are 1 in 144.4 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by a highway transportation incident are 1 in 4.19 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by contact with an object or equipment are 1 in 5.99 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by an overhead power line are 1 in 59.01 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by being struck by a falling object or equipment are 1 in 16.68 (US, 2007).
The odds a residential structure fire will be caused by electrical distribution or lighting equipment are 1 in 33.33 (US, 2000 - 2004).
The odds a person will visit an emergency department due to an accident involving a light bulb in a year are 1 in 22,500 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will visit an emergency department due to an accident involving Christmas tree lights in a year are 1 in 85,000 (US, 2008).
The odds a person will die from exposure to electric transmission lines in a year are 1 in 3,124,000 (US, 2004).
The odds a person will die from exposure to an electric current in a year are 1 in 768,700 (US, 2004).
The odds an employed person 16 or older is an electrical power-line installer or repairer are 1 in 1,212 (US, 5/2008).
The odds an employed person 16 or older is a power plant operator are 1 in 3,896 (US, 5/2008).
The odds an employed person 16 or older is a nuclear power reactor operator are 1 in 27,200 (US, 5/2008).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by an electric current are 1 in 25.89 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by an overhead power line are 1 in 59.01 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will visit an emergency department due to an accident involving an electric lamp or fixture in a year are 1 in 5,413 (US, 2007).
The odds an employed person 16 or older who is a commercial or industrial electrical or electronics repairer earns $70,310 or more in a year are 1 in 10 (US, 5/2008
The odds an adult has made an environmentally conscious effort to sell his or her current vehicle to purchase a more fuel-efficient hybrid, electric, or alternative fuel vehicle in the past 6 months are 1 in 50 (US, 9/2009).
The odds an employed person 16 or older who is a powerhouse, substation, or relay electrical or electronics repairer earns $79,940 or more in a year are 1 in 10 (US, 5/2008).
The odds an employed person 16 or older who is an electrical or electronics drafter earns $79,790 or more in a year are 1 in 10 (US, 5/2008).
The odds a wildfire-burned acre was burned due to lightning are 1 in 1.58 (US, 2001 - 2008).
The odds a person will be struck by lightning in a year are 1 in 1,646,000 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will be injured by lightning in a year are 1 in 2,183,000 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will be killed by lightning in a year are 1 in 6,695,000 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will be injured by thunderstorm wind in a year are 1 in 1,177,000 (US, 2007).
The odds a person will be killed by thunderstorm wind in a year are 1 in 10,860,000 (US, 2008).
The odds an employed person 16 or older is in the construction industry are 1 in 13.25 (US, 2008).
The odds an occupied housing unit has exposed wiring are 1 in 102.3 (US, 2007).
The odds a workplace death will be caused by a fall from a ladder are 1 in 41.58 (US, 2007).